Udo Lindenberg & Apache 207 - Comet

How does mutual respect become the name of a star? Find out here....
Udo Lindenberg & Apache-207 Comet

Udo Lindenberg and Apache 207 met on the fringes of an Apache 207 concert. Out of mutual respect for the other person and musical style. Udo Lindenberg says about the song: "Our comet is a song about immortality, about the footprint we leave behind". And so that this is not only musically successful (the song was the first song by Udo Lindenberg to reach number 1 in the charts in Germany), a star was also named after the song "Komet". You can find it here: RA: 4h 09m 10.4s DEC; +47º, 46', 33.0''.

The fact that a star is now called a comet is confusing, but there is another confusing story about the song. I'll reveal it after the video 😉

My children always listen to Toggo Radio in the morning - a children's radio station from the RTL Group in Cologne (whose music selection could do with a lot more variation). They also play "Komet" quite often and two lines have been cut out to make the song more compatible for children. 1. "There used to be another bar here - but the schnapps still tastes the same." The second part was eliminated because of the word schnapps. 2. "Ex the very last sip". Because you don't ext?

Times are changing. I grew up in Cologne with the carnival song "Schnaps, that was his last word". It remains to be seen whether it can be statistically proven in the future that not using such words on children's radio can effectively reduce alcohol consumption. Since the song is often played even without Toggo Radio and this special "clean" version is only available there, the absence of the song line is perhaps more noticeable and only reinforces the effect. You never know.

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