Great creativity often springs from great feelings. This sentence is certainly true for Sinéad O'Conner, who has done many things in her life based on strong feelings, for which she drew the strength precisely from these feelings. A difficult parental home, divorce, the early death of her mother, a few months in a Catholic home for girls with difficult upbringing, abuse and bipolar disorder were probably the primordial soup of strength that was not only reflected in great creativity, but also in a working off of the Catholic Church and religion in general. She was a priestess, a Muslim, changed her name several times (from Sinéad Marie Bernadette O'Connor to Magda Davitt, Shuhada' Davitt and Shuhada' Sadaqat), was a mother of three and was always socially engaged. From 2010 onwards, the pace of self-renewal increased more and more.
Und sie war eben auch eine begnadete Musikerin mit herausragender Stimme. Als erster Titel auf ihrem zweiten Album „I do not want what I haven’t got“ findet sich „Feel so different“ welcher immer einer meiner Lieblingssongs von Ihr war.
Zuerst ein Live Auftritt von ihr und dann ein Interview, um ihr näher zu kommen, wenn man will. Final dann noch „The foggy dew“