WM-2022: Iran

Considering the events in Iran surrounding the death of Jina Mahsa Amini, the participation of the Iranian team is taking place under considerable pressure for all involved....
Flag Iran

And no sooner have you heard "All you need is Love" than you have to deal with Iran, a regime that is fighting against its own people, oppression, political persecution, the fight for freedom, arms deliveries and a nuclear program. Quasi the enemy of the Beatles' song. 

The FAZ has looked at the influence music can have on political change and writes in this report: "Shervin Hajipour recorded his song "Baraye" about the longing to dance in the streets and the girls who wished they had been born boys in the first days of the protest at home. There are internet bans in Iran, and yet millions have listened to "Baraye" on Instagram. That was at the end of September. Since then, Shervin has been in Evin Prison, which everyone knows today. He has taken back what he sang. All the ideas of freedom, of a life without fear, which he had put together from tweets by Iranians to accompany his lyrics. And was released on bail. But because the regime doesn't like the fact that millions hear how good freedom sounds, he is now going to court."

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